4th International Conference on Energy and Environment:
bringing together Engineering and Economics

16|17 May 2019
Day 1: THURSDAY, 16th May 2019
Registration & Helpdesk
(open from 8h30 to 12h30 and from 13h30 to 17h30)
School of Engineering of the University of Minho - Building 02
Session A
Energy Economics
Room 0.35
48 - The double dividend of a new environmental tax reform with promotion of resource substitution
Susana Silva, Isabel Soares and Óscar Afonso
75 – Measurement of the rebound effect on residential electricity consumption in the European Union Countries
António Cardoso Marques and Ana Castro Mendes
110 – A LMDI Decomposition and Decoupling effort analysis of the driving forces behind CO2 emissions per capita from individuals and set in Central América
Victor Moutinho, António Marques and Vera Magalhães
28 - Is RES powered desalination a viable solution for water stressed regions? A case study in Algarve, Portugal
Gil Azinheira, Raquel Segurado and Mário Costa
150 - Energy intensity indicator as a tool to improve the design of energy policy: Some exploratory results
Jorge Cunha, Manuel Nunes, Fátima Lima and Wei Cai
Session B
Renewable Energies
Room 0.33
74 - Photovoltaic self-consumption and behaviour changes in electricity consumption
António Cardoso Marques, Daniela Ferraz
1 – Economic analysis of energy efficiency measures for the Brazilian power system
Géremi Gilson Dranka, Paula Ferreira
107 - Determinants of the energy transition: empirical evidence for OECD countries
Tiago Lopes Afonso, António Cardoso Marques and José Alberto Fuinhas
15 - Green energy support policies and renewable energy cooperatives in Europe
Nikola Šahović and Patrícia Pereira da Silva
176– System dynamics approach for evaluating shale gas exploitation
Andréa Gomes, Paula Ferreira, Amarildo Cruz, Estevão Freire, and Luiz Borges
Session C
Sustainable Mobility Solutions
Room 0.37
Session D
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings
Room 0.39
106 – An analytical framework to assess the contribution of new technologies to Societal ChallengesPaula Ferreira, Ana Rocha, João L. Afonso, Vítor Monteiro, Gabriel Pinto and Madalena Araújo
118 - Rethinking the use of soft modes - Bicycles: towards ensuring sustainable mobility and social innovation
António Amaral, Luís Barreto, Sara Baltazar and Carla Rocha
88 – Comparative assessment of electricity procurement alternatives: the case of Oporto’s light railPaulo Gouveia, Joana Resende and Pedro Campos
130 – Development of an over-expanded engine to be used as an efficiency-oriented range extender for Electric Vehicles
Jorge Martins, Francisco Lopes, Carlos Castro, António Moreira and F. P. Brito
164 - Economic and risk factors of a transhipment system using electric cargo bikes for urban courier services
Paulo A. D. Ormond Jr, Paula Varandas Ferreira, Paulo Sérgio Afonso and José Telhada
136 – Key interlinks between housing energy expenditures and sociodemographic features
Fátima Lima, Paula Ferreira and Vítor Leal
159 – Membrane for rooftop extensions: an economical and environmentally efficient alternative
Monica Macieira, Paulo Mendonça and João Miranda Guedes
112 – A decision support tool to rank energy efficiency options in services buildings
João Pedro Gouveia, Sofia G. Simoes, Marko Čavar, Adam Babić, Monica Salvia, Carmelina Cosmi, Norberto Fueyo, María Herrando and Antonio Gómez
121 – Regional impact assessment of retrofit and energy efficiency measures on residential building stock energy consumption
Pedro Palma and João Pedro Gouveia
126 – Machine learning methods for buildings energy consumption within enterprise information systems
Francisco Pires Costa, Elsa Fontainha, Carlos Augusto S. Silva and Benjamim Domingos
Coffee Break
Building 02 - Room 0.35
Lunch Break
Session E
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Room 0.35
Session F
Energy Modelling
Room 0.33
Session G
Sustainable Development
Room 0.37
13 - Choice experiments to elicit the users’ preferences for coastal erosion management - The case of Praia da Amorosa
Susana Oliveira, Lígia M. Costa Pinto and Ana Costa
66 - Assessment of the energy cooperative service: the case of electricity distribution cooperatives in Brazil
Claudio Ruy Portela de Vasconcelos, Paula Ferreira and Jorge Cunha
87 - Biophysical and monetary quantification of avoided water erosion in an area at the North of Portugal
Élia Pires-Marques, Cristina Chaves, and Lígia M. Costa Pinto
103 – Fog harvesting meshes physical, economic and environmental characterization
Lujain Hadba, Paulo Mendonça, Lígia Torres Silva and Miguel Carvalho
154 – Assessing Electric Vehicle CO2 emissions in the Portuguese power system using a marginal generation approach
Ezequiel Carvalho, Jorge Sousa and João Lagarto
16 – Sustainability optimisation of shell and tube heat exchanger using different optimisation techniques
Juan José Cartelle Barros, Manue Lara Coira, María Pilar de la Cruz López, Alfredo del Caño Gochi and Isabel Soares
124 – The neural modelling of energetic value of different silages used as substrate in biogas plants
Alina Kowalczyk-Juśko, Patrycja Pochwatka, Maciej Zaborowicz, Jakub Mazurkiewicz,
Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski, Andrzej Mazur, Jacek Dach
125 – Modelling and forecasting residential energy demand using household-level survey data in developing countries: the case of Angola
Francisco Pires Costa, Elsa Fontainha, Carlos Augusto S. Silva and Benjamim Domingos
166 – Modelling integrated water resource allocation for agriculture and economical energy production in the Laja Lake Basin considering new irrigation policies
M. Matus, R. Sepúlveda, E. Sierra, C. Matamala and C. Benavides
55 – A long-term analysis of the energy security performance of ten South American countries
Jaqueline Vieira, Patrícia Pereira da Silva and Pedro André Cerqueira
2 - The competitiveness of the Portuguese wine sector: an important indicator for a sustainable development
Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
141 - Adaptive management: thinking over a way to reduce environmental problems from livestock production
Carlos Correia and Cristina Chaves
41 – Development of sustainable business model for choosing services to the customers in Internet Service Provider companies
Sara Sadat Golmaryami, Manuel Lopes Nunes and Mehdi Fathollah
71 – The role of organizational commitment in the emergence of sustainable behaviour on the part of the organizations employees
Aline Alvares Melo; Ubiratã Tortato and Fabrício Baron Mussi
10 – A critical analysis of sustainability reporting by mining companies
Wellington Alves, Paula Ferreira, Madalena Araújo and Pineiro-Chousa
Session H
Energy Storage
Room 0.39
29 - Regulatory framework benchmark for energy storage: the case of compressed air energy storage
Catarina R. Matos, Patrícia P. Silva and Júlio F. Carneiro
84 - Innovative energy storage systems as a tool to improve the quality of electricity within the Intelligent Development Operation Programme
Wojciech Drozdz
99 – Study on the technological and economic viability of introducing energy storage systems with solar photovoltaic panels
Luis A. M. Barros, João L. Afonso, P. Ferreira, M. Araújo and J. G. Pinto
175 – GHG emission reduction for ground-source heat pumps: energy storage using phase-change materials
Emanuele Bonamente and Andrea Aquino
83 - Unified Power Converters for battery charging and traction drive systems for Electric Vehicles: cost and performance analysis
Tiago J. C. Sousa, Vítor Monteiro, M. J. Sepúlveda, Júlio S. Martins and João L. Afonso
Coffee Break
Session I
Sustainable Mobility Solutions
Room 0.35
Session J
Environmental Management and Technological Change
Room 0.33
Session K
Renewable Energies
Room 0.37
30 – A comparative sustainable lifecycle analysis of bus rapid transit (BRT) and metro: a case study of Rio de Janeiro city
Ana Carolina Angelo, Isabelle Martins, Lino G. Marujo, Leonardo Mangia and Marcelle Cordeiro
86 – Vehicle-to-Anything: a power transfer perspective for vehicle electrification
Vítor Monteiro, Tiago J. C. Sousa, Paula Ferreira, Júlio S. Martins, João L. Afonso
94 – Human- inductively powered lightweight Electric Vehicles: sustainable transportation for the Smart City
L. A. Lisboa Cardoso, A. A. Nogueiras Meléndez, Luís A. S. B. Martins, and João. L.
96- Innovative communication system for Railway Smart Metering towards efficiency improvement
Vítor A. Morais, João L. Afonso and António P. Martins
119 - EducaBicla Program - a Guimarães case study
Luís Barreto, António Amaral, Sara Baltazar and Carla Rocha
20 – Turnover growth and eco-innovation: a European overview
Mara Madaleno, Mónica Meireles, Marta Ferreira Dias and Margarita Robaina
64 – Cogenerations systems using internal combustion engines and absorption chillers
Marcos Scaramussa Jr, Felipe Barroco, José Alexandre, Julio Silva, Ednildo Torres and Marcelo Silva
90 – Innovation networks: R & D interactions in Brazil’s energy sector
Isabel Cristina dos Santos, Antonio Henriques de Araújo Júnior, Humberto Medrado Gomes Ferreira and Caroline Neves Campos
98 - A better characterization of biophysical performance using the transformation matrix: the case of the paper and pulp industry from a nexus perspective
Raúl Velasco-Fernández, Mario Giampietro and Laura Pérez-Sánchez
33 – The effect of urban air pollutants in Germany: Fractional regression models for second step DEA and SFA applied in Eco-efficiency analyses
Victor Moutinho, Mara Madaleno and Pedro Macedo
8 – The case for the development of forest biomass for energy production in Portugal
Sara Sousa, Marieta Valente, Lígia M. Costa Pinto and Anabela Botelho
9 – Lower peak demand and electricity bill using uninterruptible power supply and solar electricity
Fabien Chidanand Robert and Sundararaman Gopalan
24 – Tax and financial incentives for the development of renewable energy in the Brazilian electric matrix
Priscila Elise Alves Vasconcelos and Paulo Sérgio Vasconcelos
47 – Assessing the linkages between recycling, renewable energy and sustainable development. Evidence from the OECD countries
Pedro André Cerqueira, Elias Soukiazis and Sara Proença
113 – Scoring method of eco-efficiency using DEA approach: evidence from European waste sectors
Vera Magalhães, Victor Moutinho, António Marques and José Alberto Fuinhas
Session L
Energy Modelling
Room 0.39
37 – A model proposed for monitoring and licensing of energy facilities in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Paulo Sérgio Vasconcelos and Flávio Pereira Guimarães
93 – Disaggregation of heating, cooling and small appliances loads for very low sampling data rate
Monica M. Eskander and Carlos A. Silva
173 - Environmental and energy quality: sobane methodology adapted to canteens
Yasmin Bellizzi, Luís Frölén Ribeiro, Jorge Lopes and Arthur Medeiros
128 – Compact automotive thermoelectric generator with embedded heat pipes for thermal control
N. Pacheco, F.P. Brito, R. Vieira, J. Martins, L.M.
165 – Cost estimation of rail power conditioner topologies based on indirect modular multilevel converter in V/V and SCOTT power transformers
Mohamed Tanta, Gabriel Pinto, Vítor Monteiro, António P. Martins, Adriano S. Carvalho and João L. Afonso
Instituto de Design, Lugar de Couros, Rua da Ramada (Guimarães city center)
(Instituto de Design info)
Day 2: FRIDAY, 17th May 2019
Registration & Helpdesk
(open from 09h00 to 12h45 and from 13h45 to 16h00)
School of Engineering of the University of Minho - Building 02
Session M
Energy and Environmental Policy
Room 0.35
Session N
Energy Markets and Efficiency
Room 0.33
Session O
Climate Change
Room 0.37
65 – Energy planning policy for the reduction of poverty in Brazil: the case of the condominiums Praia do Rodeadouro and Morada do Salitre
Felipe Cunha, Maria Candida Mousinho, Luciana Carvalho, Fábio Fernandes, Marcos Scaramussa Jr. Ednildo Torres, Marcelo Silva and Celso Castro
26 - Study of the economic viability of cogeneration systems in Portugal: the impact of legislation on the investment decision
Ana C. Ferreira, Senhorinha F. Teixeira, José C. Teixeira, Manuel L. Nunes and Silvia A. Nebra
80 – An evaluation of the energy and environmental policy efficiency of the EU members states in the last 20 years from MPT perspective
Paulino Martínez Fernández, Fernando deLlano-Paz, Anxo Calvo-Silvosa and Isabel Soares
158 – European assessment of support for eco-innovation: impacts over firm performance
Margarita Robaina, Marta Ferreira Dias, Mónica Meireles and Mara Madalena
4 – What influence do renewable energy policies have on household electricity prices? Application to the EU-28
María Teresa García-Álvarez, Laura Cabeza-García and Isabel Soares
5 - Exploring the factors that contribute to sustainable consumption and production in the EU-28
Gustavo Pineiro-Villaverde, María Teresa García-Álvarez and Isabel Soares
17 – Psychological barriers in the electric market: study applied to the NORD pool market
Carlos Almeida, Mara Madaleno and Margarita Robaina
18 – Diffusion degree for diesel
Gonçalo Martins, Mara Madaleno and Marta Ferreira Dias
54 – Structural breaks in gasoline and diesel elasticities: a dynamic analysis of the Portuguese case
Susana Silva, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho
67 – The impact of a tailored end-user engagement framework on peer-to-peer energy sharing initiative: an empirical study
Lurian Klein, Luisa Matos and Giovanni Allegretti
38 – Introducing climate variability in energy systems modelling
Filipa Amorim, Sofia G. Simões, Edi Assoumou and Gildas Siggini
117 – Circular economy and climate mitigation: benefits and conflicts
Patrícia Fortes, Rita Lopes, Luís Dias, Júlia Seixas, João Pedro Gouveia, Sandra Martinho, Joana Monjardino and Hugo Tente
144 – The influence of climate change on the development of the Portuguese forest: creation of trend series for the occurrence of climatic anomalies
Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes, Catarina Isabel Rodrigues Meireles, Carlos Pinto Gomes and Nuno de Almeida Ribeiro
160 – Water competition through the “water-energy” nexus: assessing the economic impacts of climate change in a Mediterranean context
Carla Teotónio, Patrícia Fortes, Peter Roebeling and Miguel Rodriguez
39 - Clim2power - translating climate data into power plants operational guidance
Sofia G. Simoes, Filipa Amorim, Kristina Fröhlich, Jennifer Ostermoeller, , Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan, Edi Assoumou, Gildas Siggini, Valentina Sessa,Thierry Ranchin, Benoit Gschwind, Pierre Strosser, Camille Parrod, Johannes Schmidt, Hubert Holzmann, Johann Baumgartner, Ignácio Martín-Santos, Christian Mikovits, Mathew Herrnegger, Tim O’Higgins, Amy Dozyer, Katherine Kopke, Anna Krook-Riekkola, Tiago Capela Lourenço, Sílvia Carvalho, Pedro Beça, Paulo Diogo, Babar Mujtaba, Júlia Seixas, Tarik Berrada and Pedro Paes
Session P
Room 0.39
137 – Assessing water, energy and food nexus in an agroecological farming context: a causal loop diagram as foundation for system dynamics modelling
Gabriel N. P. Albuquerque, Monique P. Dantas, Darlan A. Pereira, Mariana M. Nóbrega and Sandra Naomi Morioka
140 – Biotechnology with microalgae for integration of fish farming biosystem: aquaculture biosystem: an alternative source of protein supplementation for animal feed
Maria Costa, Sharline Santos, Roberto Sassi and Darlan Pereira
143 – The use of forest residues in the production of thermal energy: an alternative to fossil fuels from a circular economy perspective
Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes, Radu Godina and João Carlos de Oliveira Matias
170 - Landscape of patents on green technology of biomass torrefaction focusing on energy production
José Airton de Mattos Carneiro-Junior, Douglas Alves Santos, Carine Tondo Alves, Angela Machado Rocha, Marcelo Santana Silva and Ednildo Andrade Torres
70 – Biodiesel, family agriculture and competitiveness: the case of the production nucleus of Serra do Ramalho (Brazil)Fábio Matos Fernandes, Francisco Gaudêncio Mendonça Freires, Marcelo Santana Silva, Dra. Maria Cândida Arrais de Miranda Mousinho, Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha and Luís Oscar Silva
Coffee Break
Plenary Session - Keynote Speaker
Comparing transformation pathways across major economies in line with a "well-below" 2oC world
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Building 02 - Room 0.35
Lunch Break
Session Q
Economic Growth and Sustainability
Room 0.35
Session R
Energy Economics
Room 0.33
155 – Empirical analysis of institutional change in the Spanish photovoltaic sector: a financial approach
Raquel Fernández González, Andrés Suárez García and María Dolores Garza Gil
23 – Rediscovering the EKC hypothesis for the 20 higher OECD emitters through globalization level
Patrícia Hipólito Leal and António Cardoso Marquesa
168 – The construction sector and economic growth in Sub-Sahran Africa (revisited)
Jorge Lopes, Rui Oliveira and M. Isabel Abreu
45 – Extracting and processing lithium: challenges in the case of Portugal
Elma Pereira, Cristina Chaves and António Guerner Dias
76 – Transportation energy consumption in the USA: are alternative energy sources replacing the conventional?
Sónia Almeida Neves and António Cardoso Marques
11 – The accounting-and-finance of a solar photovoltaic plant: economic efficiency of a replacement project
Carlo Alberto Magni and Andrea Marchioni
49 – Equilibrium modelling for partial combustion of forest biomass
Marcela Magalhães Marcelino, Gaudêncio Freires, Carine Tondo Alves, Silvio A. B. Vieira de Melo and Ednildo Andrade Torres
171 - Fuel price control in Brazil: environmental impacts
Thereza Aquino, Roberto Ivo and Adriano Nogueira
25 - Development of a costing methodology for solar thermal systems: application to Portuguese scenario
Ana C. Ferreira and Ângela Silva
167 – Investments in wind energy: an analysis of the relation between regulatory governance and project finance
Nelson Siffert Filho, Thereza C. N. de Aquino, Maria da G. D. Fonseca and Ana L. S. Mendes
Session S
Energy Markets and Efficiency
Room 0.37
Session T
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Room 0.39
69 – An impact analysis of renewable energy on electricity spot market prices
Carlos F. Alves and Pedro D. Pinto
95 – Do dynamic tariffs promote investment in renewables? The case of non- regulated monopoly
João Correia-da-Silva, Isabel Soares and Raquel Fernández González
114 – An econometric approach to design and assess the Demand-Side Management policies and measures: France case of study
Diogo Santos Pereira and António Cardoso Marques
101 – Energy footprint in Hei: a decade overview (2007-2016) on relevant energy indicators
Paulo J. Ramísio, Lígia M. Costa Pinto and Manuela Almeida
169 – Energetic efficiency analysis of the agricultural biogas plant working as peak installation
Jacek Dach, Wojciech Czekała, Alina Kowalczyk-Juśko, Jakub Mazurkiewicz, Patrycja Pochwatka, Andrzej Lewicki and Damian Janczak
122 – Material concepts grounding the dimensions of business sustainability - the case of European electric utilities
Marta Guerra-Mota
12 – Examining consumer perceptions of organic and genetically modified food
José Pedro Barros, Cristina Chaves and Marieta Valente
72 – How do fishermen and indigenes conserve the source of their livelihood? An analysis based on the public good game applied in a hydroelectric power plant
Fabricio Baron Mussi, Ubirata Tortato and Aline Alvares Melo
152 – A novel sustainability assessment framework for manufacturing companies
Mahdi Naderi, Gustavo Pelaez1, Paula Ferreira, Enrique Ares and Antonio Fernandez
139 – Exploring consumer acceptance of a vegetarian diet amongst vegetarians and non-vegetariansMarieta Valente, Cristina Chaves and Cármen Fontes
Coffee Break
Session U
Sustainable Development
Room 0.35
Session V
Energy Systems Analysis
Room 0.33
3 – The behaviour of external markets for the Portuguese wine: its implications in the sustainability of the sector
Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
79 – Unfolding the complexity of the nexus between land, energy, and emissions in the energy transition: the case of Mexico
Rafael Gonzalez-Lopez and Mario Giampietro
109 - Electricity consumption profiles of multiple activities at city level
João Pedro Gouveia, Lisandra Miguel and Júlia Seixas
81 - A European Union efficient allocation of renewable energy sources
Fernando deLlano-Paz, Paulino Martínez Fernández and Isabel Soares
61 – Modelling the management of water supply networks in Awka and Amawbia, Nigeria for sustainable development
Okechukwu Odumodu
82 – On the viability of DC Homes: an economic perspective from domestic electrical appliances
Tiago J. C. Sousa, Vítor Monteiro, José Cunha, J. C. Aparício Fernandes and João L. Afonso
14 – A geospatial approach towards defining electrification pathways in West Africa
Mounirah Bissiri, Pedro Moura, Nuno Carvalho Figueiredo and Patrícia Pereira da Silva
27 – Group decision model to rank investments in electric power networks
Flavio Trojan, Danielle Costa Morais, Antonio Vanderley Herrero Sola and Caroline Maria de Miranda Mota
78 – Opening the black box of energy analysis: implementing MuSIASEM with relational analysis
Rafael Gonzalez-Lopez and Mario Giampietro
85 - A novel converter topology for applications in Smart Grids: technical and economical evaluation
Vítor Monteiro, Tiago J. C. Sousa, Mohamed Tanta, M. J. Sepúlveda, J. C. Aparício Fernandes, and João L. Afonso
127 – Renewable energy survey in Algeria: policies and perspectives
Brahim Haddad, Paula Ferreira, Ahmed Djebli and Dalila Belhout
Session W
Room 0.37
Session X
Waste Management
Room 0.39
57 – Conceptual circular business model based on industrial symbiosis of a microalgae cultivation and a cement plant
Ana Carolina Angelo, Fabricio Mendonça, Paulo Salomon and Lino G. Marujo
147 – Energetic valorization of residual biomass: rural development model based on native forest exploitation
Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes and Eduardo Jorge Gonçalves Barata
172 – Thermogravimetric investigation and kinetic analysis of torrefied biomass from Brazilian northeast
José Airton de Mattos Carneiro-Junior, Carine Tondo Alves, Silvio Alexandre Beisl Vieira de Melo, Ednildo Andrade Torres
46 – The impact of Electric Vehicles on sugar energy industry
Paulo Sérgio Vasconcelos and Rosemar José Hall
43 - Supply chain management of biomass for energy generation: a critical analysis of main trends
Luís O. S. Martins, Roberto A. F. Carneiro, Eleni Iacovidou, Francisco G. M. Freires, Ednildo A. Torres, Marcelo S. Silva, Fábio M. Fernandes and Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha
142 – Identification and evaluation of environmental impacts in a small watershed in Northeast of Brazil
Yara Iris França de Souza, Nadjacleia Vilar Almeida and Milena Dutra da Silva
31 – A multi-criteria approach for the selection of wastewater treatment systems
Andreia S. Goffi, Flavio Trojan, Paulo S.L.P. Afonso, Paula F.V. Ferreira, Mauro Lizot, Shirley S. Thesari and Juliana Biluca
51 – Comparative study of penetration rate of waste management practices in small and medium size companies between Europe, Portugal and Brazil
Lúcia Buson, Cristina Chaves and Lígia M. Costa Pinto
100 – Solid waste management by consideration of the pollution credit certificates theory
Nilo António de Souza Sampaio, Marina Jardim Faria de Araújo, Marcus Vinícius de Araújo, António Henriques de Araújo Jr, José Glenio Medeiros de Barros, Maria da Glória de Almeida and Bernardo Bastos da Fonseca
146 - Supply chain environmental management maturity in a pulp and paper company
Ivonez Xavier de Almeida, Antonio Zanin and Paulo Afonso
62 –Pump energy efficiency field testing and benchmarking in Brazil
João Pablo Santos da Silva, José Luiz da Silva Júnior and José Alberto Nicolau de Oliveira